Thursday, October 10, 2019

Different types of play spaces Essay

There are four different types of play spaces availible. These are affective, transient, physical and permanent.These can be provided within a play setting or created by the children.Different types of play spaces will be more challenging and stimulating for children and they will be less likely to get bored or restless. Affective – An affect play space is a space that pays attention to the moods and feelings that children and young people bring, these are usaually calming play spaces. For example: music, sensory and art. Transient – A transient play space is a space that can be changed, adapted or moved about. These objects range from wooden blocks to basketball nets. E.g. basketball nets can be moved from outside to inside etc†¦ Examples of a transient play space would be: making dens, moving furniture and creating imaginative play spaces. Physical – A physical play space is a space that children can be physically active. Thesespaces are ideal for anything from running to fine motor skills. Examples of physical play are: running, wrestling, skipping, dancing and sliding. Permanent – A permanent play space is a space that can not be moved or changed in any way. For example: parks, swimming pools, football picthes and adventure playgrounds.sdf Outline how to idenify when children and young people need support within the play space. One of our roles as a playworker is to support children in their play. This means we should stand back and observe the play unless someone is going to  get hurt. We should let the children play without intervening but joining in if you are asked to or given play cues is totally fine. identifying when children and young people need support within the play space is usaually straight forward but sometimes it can be a little bit tricky. The best way to do this to watch out for any play cues you might be given, then step back when you are no longer needed. Another way of supporting the play is if you see a play space not being played with, go and play with a activity and sooner or later you will attract attention and children will start to get intrested. When two or more children start to play with this activity you should move away and go back to observing. How a playworker can support, without taking control, children and you people to adapt a play space. There are many ways a playworker can support children and young people to adapt a play space without taking control. Most of the ways to support children without taking over are mentioned above but they differ slightly. The ones that apply are: don’t intervene unless asked, respond to play cues with a playful reponses and dont intervene unless you see a hazard. If the children want to adapt the play space and seem to be having trouble wait until they give you play cues or come and ask you to help. If they do ask you for help ask the children what they want help with or tell ask them to tell you what to do and you’ll do it. This way it is still the children adapting they play space you are just giving them a helping hand. How to bring play to an end in a way that is sensitive to the children and young people and their level of development and involvement. I am aware of plenty of ways to bring play to an end, some of these methods include: using a bell, using an egg timer or counting down. In my placement we tell the children we’ll stop playing to get tuck shop 5 minutes before the tuck shop opens after the children get their tuck they are free to go back to playing. 10 minutes before the end of the play session we tell the  children they have 5 minutes to play with the toys then we will do a group game for the last 5 minute until the childrens session is over. Why is it important to reflect on all aspects of your own playwork practice, including relationships with other people. It is important to reflect on all aspects of your own playwork practise quite regularly (at least once or twice a month). The reason you should do this often is so you can see how to improve or adapt your playwork practise as soon as possible. Looking back on your playwork practise and self-evaluating it allows you to see the things that work and the things that don’t so you can concentrate on the things that you need to improve. It is also important to reflect on your relationships with other people so you can build on them to create a successful relationship where both people are happy and content. What is meant by reflective practice? The definition of reflective practice is â€Å"the capacity to reflect on action so as to engage in a process of continuous learning†. This means it allows us to constantly learn by reflecting on what we already know and working towards being better playworkers. what is meant by constructive feedback? The definition of constructive feedback is â€Å"letting people know in a helpful way how they are doing, and how their performance is being perceived†. Constructive feedback can be positive or negative this means giving someone praise if they did something really good or tell someone in a very nice way that they didnt do very good and ways they could to improve. For example: â€Å"you did well in that but why dont you try this next time to make it even better†. Constructive feedback is important because it lets you learn from your mistakes in a positive way and better yourself. How to gather and handle constructive feedback from others, for example colleagues and parents. Gathering constructive feedback from colleagues and parents is important because it allows you to look back on what you have done good and what you could do slightly better next time. You could ask colleagues what you did well or how you could of done it better or do a questionarie with colleagues and parents to find out how you can improve and remember never react badly to constructive feedback beacause people are are just trying to help you be better at what you do. How to use observations and feedback to adapt your own playwork practice. Using observations and feedback allows you to adapt your playwork practise so you can concentrate on what needs to be improved whilst keeping your practice up to the highest standard possible. As I said above the to do this is to ask questions about your polaywork pratcise and ask them if they have any opinions or feedback that may help you improve at what you do.

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